Etherdelta odobrať


Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the products & offers that appear on this page are from companies which Coin Clarity receives compensation including affiliate compensation.

22/5/2017 · So, I selected Forget Account and exited from etherdelta and closed my ether wallet. However, every time that I visit etherdelta, I can still see the account address in the top right corner with my balance and the message "No private key". How do I remove that connection between my ether wallet and etherdelta, so I can start over from scratch. Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the products & offers that appear on this page are from companies which Coin Clarity receives compensation including affiliate compensation. See full list on Etherdelta - Quickly Set Gas Price EtherDelta EtherDelta - YouTube Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. The EtherDelta website is broken, Use to use the same contract.

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22/05/2017 EtherDelta is a decentralized Ethereum token exchange, brought to you by Etherboost. Here, users can trade most Ethereum-based tokens such as Iconomi, Augur, 1ST, and others. The exchange only has one fee, which is the 0.3% taker fee. Deposit, withdraw, and maker transactions are all free. EtherDelta séduit de nombreux investisseurs. D’après les explications de Dovey Wan, de nouveaux propriétaires de la plateforme auraient profité de la notoriété d’EtherDelta pour inciter les investisseurs à acheter des tokens EDT (Ether Delta) à l’occasion d’une ICO organisée du décembre 2017 à mi-janvier 2018.. Dans cette perspective, un fonds conséquent de 176 000 dollars Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the products & offers that appear on this page are from companies which Coin Clarity receives compensation including affiliate compensation.

EtherDelta has 3 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

If nothing happens, … Files for etherdelta, version 0.0.24; Filename, size File type Python version Upload date Hashes; Filename, size etherdelta-0.0.24.tar.gz (7.0 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload date … Official link About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features © 2020 Google LLC EtherDelta use of smart contracts requires a great deal of micromanagement. There’s no “all-in-one assets view” to show what you’re holding, what’s tied up in contracts and what’s ready to transfer out. Be prepared to track your activity by hand.

Etherdelta odobrať

4/8/2018 · Contribute to etherdelta/ development by creating an account on GitHub.

If the extension icon turns red this means that one or more files have been changed on the domain. — EtherDelta (@etherdelta) 20 décembre 2017 Rien qui permette vraisemblablement de vider les portefeuilles de ses clients, mais cette attaque a été, selon EtherDelta, la source d’une EtherDelta is a decentralized trading platform that lets you trade Ether and Ethereum-based tokens directly with other users. You are responsible for your own account, funds, and private keys. You are responsible for your own trading decisions, and the details and mechanics of the tokens you trade.

Not Working For Me! Outage History Dec Jan Feb. Reports Dynamics EST (GMT -05:00) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00 01:00 04:00 07:00 10:00. EtherDelta Outage Map. Live. Gatchina-Feb 7; Bucharest-Jan 3 -Nov 13, 2020; Saint Petersburg-Aug 13 etherdelta-guard. This chrome extension verifies the integrity of resources such as the index.html and some .js files. This is done by comparing the md5 code of some files on github vs If the extension icon turns red this means that one or more files have been changed on the domain.

Nov 16 2020 16:37 @Bim_Bam Enter the address of the wallet used for Etherdelta on the top bar and click the search icon. Under the "select exchanges" dropdown, make sure that only EtherDelta is checked Under Date range, select manual block range and set the first (left) box to 1. 11/2/2019 · Files for etherdelta, version 0.0.24; Filename, size File type Python version Upload date Hashes; Filename, size etherdelta-0.0.24.tar.gz (7.0 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload date Feb 11, 2019 Hashes View Etherdelta is a digital exchange for trading Ether ad Ethereum-based tokens. I have a problem with Etherdelta Etherdelta outages reported in the last 24 hours 4/8/2018 · Contribute to etherdelta/ development by creating an account on GitHub.

EtherDelta … toggle_navigation 12/01/2021 Les derniers tweets de @EtherDelta On a first visit Etherdelta’s site, there are 3 options you will find as a mode of making transactions; Deposit, Withdraw and Transfer. However, before you proceed with your activities on the site, you would have to create an account first so you could enjoy unlimited access. To create an account, just click on the dash board and you have a section where you can create an account. EtherDelta est un bureau de change numérique décentralisé qui ne prend en charge que le trading de jetons ICO basés sur Ethereum. Les échanges décentralisés signifient que les administrateurs ne détiendront pas votre argent mais tout l'argent sera conservé par des contrats intelligents et vous seul pouvez déposer / retirer ou échanger. EtherDelta has 3 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

- On the left side of your computer screen you will see your Ethereum and token balances. EtherDelta is a decentralized Ethereum token exchange, brought to you by Etherboost. Here, users can trade most Ethereum-based tokens such as Iconomi, Augur, 1ST, and others. The exchange only has one fee, which is the 0.3% taker fee. Deposit, withdraw, and maker transactions are all free.

Additionally, The EtherDelta UI has not updated orders and trades since Feb ’19. Moreover, some of the complaints include a complex interface, slow trades, and the fact that it supports ETH-based tokens only. 22/05/2017 EtherDelta is a decentralized Ethereum token exchange, brought to you by Etherboost. Here, users can trade most Ethereum-based tokens such as Iconomi, Augur, 1ST, and others.

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16/7/2020 · EtherDelta example bots Python 124 95 22 2 Updated Mar 5, 2019. smart_contract EtherDelta smart contract JavaScript 175 193 10 1 Updated Aug 21, 2018. Top languages. Loading… Most used topics. Loading… People. This organization has no public members.

The EtherDelta website is broken, Use to use the same contract. Supports EtherDelta and ForkDelta , on contract 0x8d12.. .